Glo to suspend Text4Millions Season3 Promo and others…

Globacom -a leading indigenous Mobile Network provider in Nigeria and some other African countries including Ghana has officially…
announced a suspension of her leading seasonal promo tagged Glo Text4Millions Season 3 and other promos. their official Facebook message dated 11/11/2012 7:16PM reads:
“Dear Customer, in line with NCC directive to all GSM Operators, the following GLO promotional offers have been suspended; Text4Millions Season 3, Triple Instant Bonus, Made for life & 500% usage bonus. Any inconvenience is highly regretted. Rule your world”
This halt as the company claimed came from a directive from the Nigerian Communication regulatory body –NCC which supposedly affects some promos of other Network providers in the country.
Media users will less likely forget how their ears were filled with the said Glo promo advert which emphatically suggested that one can instantly become a millionaire by only texting WIN to 555. Billboard adverts of the promo abounds which most times feature Nollywood stars holding Blackberry-like devices with similar inscriptions.
Why the NCC directive affects ONLY the said promos has not yet been verified by but users interviewed told of the unfavourable Terms of the Provider’s Promos which are often unannounced in the popular media adverts.
Speaking to , a student user from Abia State University narrated how his #2,500 vanished after he unsuccessfully tried to enrich himself with Millions of cash in the Season 1 of the Text4Millions. Of course not every Texter would win, but the disappointed customer complained that the way the Company’s SMS machine sought for his money suggested that the Promo deals far more in promoting the company than the customers.
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Glo dis is rily unfair i hv bin playin dis text4million promo nonstop sinc july til novembr,on novembr 13 wich wuz d last dy d last sms wuz sent2me 4rm glo.2dyz latr u stpd sendin me txtz&dis hapend b4 ncc suspended d whole promo.evn b4 participatin in dis text4million promo i alwyz contactd customr careline to knw their plans concernin dis promo,i evn searchd on internet 2 knw mor&mor abt d promo.hw cn somone play 4 a gud 4months and,aftr announcin dat d promo wil end on decembr sudenly u tel us dat u’r sory 4d inconvenience dat d promo has bin suspended,one of d glo customer care reps evn told me dat d promo will end on 12 octobr,som wks latr i cald dem bak&they told me dat d date has bin postponed til 26novembr til 2nd of decembr stil i went ahead continousily 2 play d game wit ful dtermination.evri dy pple kept on winnin bt at d end i wud b busy lavishin my money on sometin i ended up nt winin.glo i want2 knw hw ncc gt 2 afect u in dis promo bcos ther wer many pple dat jst entrd d game recently&won bt doz of us dat startd rite frm dy one has nt won.dis is rily rily unfair glo.if at d end ncc restorez bak d whole promo &u decide to stp d promo it wil rily affect ur company therby makin many pple out der 2 luz hop in u,it hurtz dat u’v let us down.plz glo fulfil ur promise 2us and God wil bless u mor&mor i beg in d nem of God pls go &negotiate wit ncc.try 2 mek dem undrstand dat der are many pple dat wants dat money mor dan evr pls i beg u glo on bhalf of othr glo subscribers outder:-(;-( we are al rily disappointd in u glo;-(
Glo d fact dat text4million is among d promos dat wuz suspended doesn’t min dat u can’t stil award ur loyal subscribers whom has bin playin along al dis while,its total injustice:-(wat wil then hapen 2d moni dat we al lavishd on d promo its nt fair.glo pls do somtin pls:-(