The riverine villages of Illushi in Edo state and Odochala in Ibaji LGA of Kogi state have for so long sat in the darkness of seclusion because of the absence of a stable or functioning mobile network until now. Thanks to Glo mobile!
The two main villages borders the opposite sides of the River Niger. Illushi is the river terminal of the Uromi-Ubiaja route while Odochala and Odumomo on the other side can be traced from Ida of Igala Land to Onyedega and down to the interior riverine villages. All these villages are in a very poor state. All of them including Onyedega the head quarters of Ibaji LGA can not boast of Electric power pole talk less of electricity. Ibaji Local Government is particularly neglected by the Kogi state government. I have visited several Local governments of Kogi and I can testify to that. But thats by the way 😉
I was so thrilled when I visited Illushi (pictured above) and found the visible strong presence of globacom in the well populated village. Globacom now is the only functioning mobile network in the small town. When I went round their streets and their large market that sells agricultural produce to buyers from literally all geopolitical zones of Nigeria, I found only Glo posters and banners scattered across the town.
Notably, the presence of Glo in Illushi and the neighbouring Ibaji villages has greatly transformed the economy and standard of living of the people. I talked with Vic who told me that because of the absence of Postal service and internet, if they wanted to send a message to a distant place say Benin, they would wait for the day one of them will go there.
Now they have Glo which means they can now easily make calls, send SMS and MMS and also surf the net with Glo 2G available! Many more have been employed now in the business of recharge card sales and call making.
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