Some of us following the Mobile and Technology news will be happy to learn that MTN Nigeria has appointed her first indigenous Chief Executive officer in the person of Mr. Michael Ikpoki since their first step to the Nigerian market in 2001.

Mr. Ikpoki before his appointment was the CEO of MTN Ghana since 2001.

Michael Ikpoki  MTN Nigeria CEO

Our president, Dr. G. E. Jonathan commended this development by stating 3 hours ago from the time of writing this the following in a public press release:

MTN Nigeria limited has appointed a Nigerian, Mr. Michael Ikpoki, as its first Nigerian CEO. This appointment follows others in critical sectors and confirms to me that efforts by the Federal Government to build the capacity of the Nigerian knowledge worker and make Nigeria a regional and continental hub for excellence in business and service delivery through policy and reforms like the Local Content Act are beginning to yield fruit. I commend MTN Nigeria limited for this appointment.

Together with Nigerians, we at Mymobnet! E-Magazine joins to congratulate the new C.E.O Mr. Michael Ikpoki!
