Not a few people have wondered here and there searching and even wishing that they own a Google Android device made by Nokia. This search is not uncalled for because Tech lovers know what Nokia can do and many can now visualise what an Android phone produced by Nokia can do, at least the durability.
I remember in the late 2000’s how we craved for a Windows Mobile device from Nokia, after many failed futile attempts we now have Nokia Lumia Windows phone and guess what? They are about the best and best selling Windows phone devices you can get out there.

What do we expect from a Nokia Android device?
We expect a lot from any Android device made by Nokia. Yes it’s going to be very durable with a more powerful battery than what we have now. We expect an improved Operating System. Nokia Android device shall not just run on a literal Android OS but a fusion of Nokia’s OS say Asha with Android OS. This will be the talk of the town!
What you must know about a Nokia Android device:
As long as now is concerned, Nokia is in a strong partnership with Microsoft Windows and they are also tirelessly working on their Asha OS and phones. There is no plan now by Nokia to produce a phone running on Android OS.
You may call it fantasy, but we can’t wait to see Nokia made Android devices!