Today we shall be looking at the first Music application from the Nigeria Breweries’ Star Lager Beer known as Star Music app. I am using the Android version primarily for this review.
Frankly, the first time I learnt of this application from the posters around the streets of Lagos and Aba, I wondered what a mobile Application from a Beer will be like…will they be teaching us How to drink…or the best music to listen to while drinking a beer? Any way it’s all different to what the name Star Music App may imply because it almost has nothing to do with a BeEr!!!

The Star Music app has the same Logo or Icon with that of Nigeria’s indigenous Larger Beer so without the ‘Music’ in the name of the Application one may think that it’s all about an e-Beer 🙂
The Application, we learnt, is developed by 70th Precinct and Star Music app is meant to be a Social networking site that will connect mainly the lovers and drinkers of Star Lager Beer so I am not wrong if I call it an e-Beer app! Many menu links of the App connects it with Star Beer –menus like Brand advertising and Bar Finder. These options are found in the More link at the bottom of the application.
The four main menus of the App located at the bottom of it are:
- Videos: This link lets you watch videos posted to the only by the Administrators of Star Music app. These videos are mainly are new videos and as I observed trending Nigerian related videos on YouTube.
- News: The News link is the next on the menu links. Here users of the Star Music app can read the latest New primarily from the Africa’s leading music Industry –Nigeria. The sub-section of these link located at the top of the App under News are the Breaking News, Local (News) and Foreign (News). As expected, Foreign News shows latest news from the Foreign Music scene outside Nigeria.

- Gallery: This third link posts captivating celebrity pictures and lets users to like, comment, share and download the pictures.
- Chat: The last and perhaps the most interesting feature of the Star Music app among the targeted audience –the Youths, is the Chat facility embedded in this app. I used it myself and it was fun though some bugs are yet to be fixed which makes the app crash often when using the Chat. Under this Chat, there is a Live customer support for the Users of the app and drinkers of Star Lager Beer. The next which is most interesting is the Star Music Chatroom.
Star Music application This Chat room is a public room. You remember the Public room of Yahoo! Messenger chat that lets Signed in public users see your post and you see theirs at real time? The Chat room of Star Music app is a miniature of this. However you can chat privately with any user by clicking on the user’s ID.
- More: Apart from the 4 main menus listed above, we have the More link. Under this link are the following sub-menus: Brand Advertising, Bar Finder, My Downloads, Video Uploads, Contests, My Profile, About this app, Settings and Community.
We shall keep you updated about this Star Music app as more versions are yet to come from the developers. Follow us to stay updated!