You must have seen at a certain point an encoded image tagged QR code in a product, Blackberry or any mobile device, etc. and you really wondered what the image and the message in it meant! First of all, QR Code is an abbreviation of Quick Response Code.
The QR Code, originally made for the automotive industry, is now widely used not just by Automobile manufacturers but also by virtually all mobile Operating systems like Android, iOS, Etc. for the sole purpose of passing a message that is only readable by special scanners.
The message in a QR bar code can be an URL or site link like the 2 exclusive Mymobnet! QR codes below:
QR Code for the FrEe Mymobnet Android App;ication:

QR Code for The Mymobnet! E-Magazine/blog URL:

Scan to visit link
Other data could be stored also in the bar code including mere text for adverts or info, and even encrypted messages.
Interpreting QR Barcodes
QR codes can only be read by special scanners also known as QR code scanners. Luckily enough, QR Scanner Mobile applications can now be installed in our mobile devices and Tablets which means that one can scan any bar code on the go whether the QR code be in a PC/Mobile screen, on a billboard or a wall poster. Most of these scanner apps are free so think of installing one as we soon present yet another post: The Best QR code scanner for Android