The Facebook Messenger is the Facebook’s way of making Social network Messaging more engaging, this can be told from the millions that have already downloaded and installed this app on their phone.
When I first heard of Facebook Messenger some years back, I felt Facebook was trying to displace the then classic Yahoo! Messenger with a better thing in store. But that was and is not the case, because Facebook Messenger seems to be on its peculiar style and not really competing with any other IM app because of its uniqueness.
The Facebook Messenger’s greatest feature is its offline reading mode. This great app syncs your Facebook Messages with itself and automatically stores a cached version for offline reading. This offline feature to a great extent separates it with the Chat app of the main Facebook app for Mobile. So you can read your messages anytime, anywhere!
What’s new with the latest version of Facebook Messenger for Android?
The latest version of Facebook Messenger is a major break away from the old design and look. The current version comes with a Facebook Homelike interface. Yes, many of us saw the pictures of Facebook Home Android phones that made the phones to be highly customised with the owner’s Facebook activities. With this new feature, a new instant message displays the sender’s profile pic at a top corner of your screen, and will expand to view the message on a quick tap!

In this new Facebook Messenger, the remarkable change is the new UI and new message bubble at you Home screens! A new message from a contact will pin the contact profile pic displayed as a bubble on your Home screen! Cool, isn’t it?
According to Google Playstore, the new changes in the recent versions are:
What’s in this version:
– Bug fixes
– Instantly send stickers. Just tap the smiley and choose a playful kitten or another cute critter.
– Bug fixes.
– Keep chatting even when you use other apps. Just tap the chat head to reply, drag down to close.
– Bug fixes.
Problems with the Facebook Messenger
- Stability: We are yet to see a stable Facebook Messenger for Android. This latest release is a major leap in actualising this, but we still experience app crash with this release.
- Memory: Is this really a problem? Yes! Those of our readers that own a low internal memory Android device, they will readily find out that the Facebook Messenger takes a lot of the Phone’s memory in storing the offline messages. Only if this cached messages can be optionally stored in the SD card.
Generally speaking, we love this Facebook Messenger for Android here at Mymobnet! To download it to your mobile device, search for Facebook Messenger in your Playstore app and install.