Yes, read to see our best Bible study application for Android phones. Back in the days, Bible was never meant to be handy as the electronic versions made it today. But now many Bible applications have compressed not only the Bible but also Devotional and Study materials like Concordances and commentaries into a tiny app. The best of these applications for Android phone as Mymobnet! decides isMysword

Mysword Bible study app for Android

Mymobnet! have been testing several Bible apps (which we shall not list here) and has finally come to conclude that Mysword is by far the best! Mysword is totally FREE though it is not an Open source app which means that one is not permitted to view or edit the source file. But such app as this is certainly worth more than $35 FREE!

Also read: Simplest Bible reading planner app for Android

Mysword is built to support extensions or add-on modules for Bibles, Commentaries like Barnes, Dictionaries and Concordances like Websters, Strongs,…and a whole lot of Devotionals. The good part of these add ons comes totally free! and can be downloaded from the download modules link from the app as shown in the picture.


The module I use presently have 10 Bible versions, 5 commentaries and 5 dictionaries installed…..ALL FREE Everything works perfectly well. Apparently no bugs to fix and no adverts. Mymobnet! recommends MyswordPlease do not forget to LIKE our Facebook™ page at the right hand panel (PC) or at the bottom of this page (Mobile)

Please do not forget to LIKE our Facebook™ page at the right hand panel (PC) or at the bottom of this page (Mobile)

