Since this year, the world, especially the third world market was taken over by a special kind of Chinese phones. Many like me would never own China phones, no, never! It was not until indigenous China phone manufacturers learnt about the trending Android OS platform and not only that, they gave us these great phones at cheap and an affordable price. I can’t stop praising them for this. I have reviewed a lot of Chinese Androids here.
One of the Companies that pioneered this Chinese Android invasion is Tecno Mobile. They have introduced to the market series of Android phones including the n3, n7, D3, D5, P3 and still plan adding more to this list. Yes not a few people got these phones, speaking from the survey I got from Mymobnet! These Tecno Android users received their new phones with a decorated often white earpiece or earphone among other accessories.

…But how good is Tecno Mobile earpiece?
In simple short words, I say I dislike it. Many fans of Tecno Mobile who are not music freaks like me may wonder what on earth is wrong with Tecno earpiece but music lovers who use Tecno earpiece will readily agree with my appraisal of the product.
It all began when I switched from HTC earphone using the Windows Media Player of Windows mobile to Samsung Galaxy phone earpiece. The Samsung scored a bit higher but I enjoyed the two products. But everything changed the first day I wore the Tecno n7 earpiece, I was like what song am I playing? The songs I was familiar with changed significantly. I adjusted the equaliser and I got a sort of unbalanced mix…
With Tecno earpiece, you will feel little or no bass and woofer while in an open environment. It’s all a re-production of high frequency sound and a minute woofer. Some manufacturers will bias one kind of sound in one piece and the other in another but it’s unobservable with Tecno earphones. What I mean is that some nice earpiece has the high frequency treble or tweeter in the R-ear and the bass in the L-ear which will produce a resultant great mixed sound.
If you can’t observe this meagreness of Tecno earpiece try the following:
- Get a good earpiece from Apple, Philips, Nec, etc. listen to any song and compare the sound with what you get from your Tecno earpiece. You can compare it with songs like Asha: 3600, Flavour: To be a man, Beyonce: Until the end of time, Bob Marley: Who the cap fits; Osadebe: Nyem obi gi; The Dynamight: Welldone; etc.
If you do the above, you will testify of the great difference in quality we get from the two earphones.
Why are we saying this?
Yes you should know that the reviews here at Mymobnet! is dependent on no sentiment of any kind –at least we try to be unbiased in our evaluation. We can’t deny the fact that Tecno Android phones are cheap and of great quality.
I published this article because we want official Tecno Mobile to improve the quality of their earpiece. Little things matter a lot.
1 Comment.
[…] This is another accessory that comes with you n7 Android device. The colour is mainly white with Tecno tag on it. See what we think about Tecno earpiece here. […]